Doing everything

A friend of mine had the idea of worrying for only 15 minutes and then being done with worrying for the day. (Worrying, in this case, is really a codeword for obsessing about, well, all the things that moms obsess about). Sounds good doesn’t it? I was going to do that but that was 30+ minutes ago. I got sucked into reading email. Then into doing “urgent” tasks. Sigh.

When I get like this the thoughts go round and round so fast I can’t keep up. It goes like this…I would love to be blogging this. I ought to update my blog. I should post to it more regularly. (Why? For others? Hmmm.). Thinking about blogging makes me remember that I’m blogging with a friend about a book we want to write, which makes me want to work on that. Thinking about working on our book makes me want to contact my friend and all my clients. Thinking about my clients makes me want to work on business….there must be a mouse and a cookie in here somewhere.

So what to worry about? I have a week between Christmas and New year and it feels like I should do all the things I haven’t done this year in this week. I simultaneously want to get my house all clean, relax and enjoy my crafts and hobbies, work on my business, call all my friends, spend quality
time with my family, catch up on paperwork, make all kinds of yummy food to stock the freezer for school days….well, I’m sure there is more but we all get the picture.

And of course, what I really “should” be doing is just being thankful to be here unhurt. My reality check – that all this other stuff is just not important enough to stress over – lasted exactly 3 days. Does that make me ungrateful?

Why do I do this to myself? What is special about this week that makes me want to get everything in the world done?

Ok, off to spend the last 10 minutes of quality worrying time with my todo list.

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