Not so Icy

So I linked up my blog to Facebook and it posted my almost exactly 1-year-old post “Icy Roads” as a “new” update and freaked out my friends, so I guess it’s a sign that I need something more recent!

My health has improved a lot over the last year.  I’m back to functional again, though once in a while I hit a slick spot and land on my butt for a while, but for the most part, the grass is looking greener and greener even on my side of the fence 🙂

For those wondering, I never did get a specific diagnosis, but the overall problem is hormone depletion and below that, is the heavy metal poisoning that I’ve known about for years and just haven’t gotten around to treating as it’s a long, arduous process.  The dizzy spells were fixed by supplemental DHEA and pregnenalone, both OTC but at your own risk etc, and some of the fatigue was fixed by Armour thyroid.  Then I shore up my system with a bunch of other stuff.

For the first several months, the supplements barely kept me afloat, but over time they really have gotten me back to a state of “normal” – perhaps not the “normal” I was used to, but a new one that is still a good place to be.  I now even can miss them for a few hours and not notice a huge drop.

Exercise other than short-and-mild still takes more out of me than it “should”, and I get angry about that still sometimes, and the weight I’ve gained in trying to build up my health bugs the heck out of me.  It’s funny how, when it felt like everything was  falling apart, I could recognize and appreciate the little progress and not fret over the less critical stuff, but now that I’ve made a lot of progress, I feel greedy – I should be able to exercise AND have a functional day where I get a lot done AND lose weight.

But for the most part, I’ve accepted my new level of functionality and things are going well.  I had plenty of time as a Type A – there are advantages to learning to let that go.  And, mainly, when I look back at where I was a year ago, I’m very grateful.   Very grateful.

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